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Session Cookies

Session cookies are temporary cookie files that are used only while you are browsing the website pages and are erased when you close your browser.

The main purpose of these cookies is to ensure that you are recognized when you move from page to page within the website and enable proper functionality of the website.

For example, if you have provided some information or filled out an online form, you don’t get asked for the same information you’ve already given to the website.

Persistent cookies

Persistent cookies help the website to provide you a better user experience by giving you faster and more convenient access.

These types of cookies recognize users and remember their browser settings and preferences. They are saved to your hard drive by your browsers and kept there for some time.

Some of the persistent cookies serve to enable the website to provide you with specific targeted offers based on your needs and the stated purpose of your visit..

If you allow your browser to accept these types of cookies, when you revisit the website using the same device, the relevant cookie is retrieved from your device and used to recognize you and properly display the website: select personalized content and apply the preferences you specified during your previous visits.

Technical Cookies

Technical cookies are essential for the correct functioning of the website and identifying invalid pages or sections of the website.

Authentication cookies

When visitors access the website using their passwords, authentication cookies recognize them and trace them browsing from page to page, and this way they do not have to re-enter their passwords on every page. 

Flash Cookies

Flash cookies are used to enable the user to access flash content on the website.

Personalization cookies

These cookies serve to established the user’s preferences based on certain criteria on the user’s computer, like language preferences, and display the website in the most appropriate configuration for the user.

Analytical cookies

Analytical cookies allow the website to track and analyze information like the number of users on the website and pages visited, time and duration of visits, scrolling and clicking patterns.