Power and Reliability
Cat engines are widely used all over the world to power industrial machinery and equipment in agriculture, forestry, mining, underground operations, construction, production, ships, locomotives and many more areas.
Caterpillar generators provide main and auxiliary power supply for a variety of sites like oil platforms, mines, remote desert and mountain areas, out-of-the-way communities, hospitals, schools, factories, airports and office buildings. The line of Cat products includes main propulsion engines in the power range from 93 kW to 5.650 kW and generator sets with the output of 10 kWe to 5.200 kWe.
Caterpillar CM Series is designed specifically to provide reliable power supply to oil and gas industry.
Caterpillar generator sets of CM Series are an excellent way to set up main and auxiliary power supply for Customers from oil and gas industry and those whose operations are located on remote sites with no access to the central grid, like oil platforms, mines and other difficult-to-reach isolated distant locations. Besides, this Caterpillar series features solutions for pumping, well servicing and gas compression.
Caterpillar CM Series includes engines with engine-mounted pumps and filters with the power rating ranging from 1.020 kW to 13.440 kW and generator sets from 970 kWe to 6.500 kWe.
Caterpillar engines are exceptionally engineered products known for their high capacity and performance, besides they come with Caterpillar’s excellent international dealer network. Caterpillar dealerships in over 1800 locations make parts and professional technical support available round the clock in every part of the world following its unparalleled “anywhere, anytime” product support principle to ensure confidence and peace of mind for Customers.
For more information or if you have any questions, please call 8 (800) 080-02-28 toll free in Kazakhstan.
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